Dd next expanded racial feats torrent free download
Show me where you're getting this information, and if it's old, tell me why you think it hasn't come out yet, if you are so adamant about it being released. Sent from my VS using Tapatalk. Ovinomancer said:. No, you're right, you cracked the code and put the pieces together correctly -- obviously the ranger will never be officially revised. Everyone else is wrong. Thank you for your incredible sleuthing and showing the rest of us the error of our beliefs.
Why do you think I'm being sarcastic? One guy posted a link saying the Revised ranger was coming out to another post, I copied and pasted the quote that said it's not. You're telling me different, show me the information. I don't think you're being sarcastic, I think I'm being sarcastic.
Morrus Well, that was fun Staff member. I thought those were a pre-order bonus? Doesn't it defeat the point if they're available to everybody? Morrus said:.
Post reply. Insert quotes…. Similar Threads. Replies 2 Views Nov 15, GuyBoy. Replies 1K Views K. Sep 21, Crimson Longinus. Replies 33 Views 5K. Nov 14, Paul Farquhar. Replies 31 Views 5K. Oct 15, Echohawk. Water : Frostbite and Invisibility. At 5th level, you learn Water Walk.
Hill Giant Games I make indie gaming books for you! STaRS : A non-narrativeist, generic rules-light system. Grod's Guide to Greatness, 2e : A big book of player options for 5e. Grod's Grimoire of the Grotesque : An even bigger book of variant and expanded rules for 5e. Giants and Graveyards : My collected 3. Grod's Law : You cannot and should not balance bad mechanics by making them annoying to use.
It just gives you an extra use of your ability - racial feats normally give you something new. I suggest letting them add 1d6 radiant or necrotic damage to damage once per turn, unconnected to their transformations.
Dreams of Flight giving a fly speed is strong enough that I don't think it should give an ASI as well. Hi, you can call me Void. Yes, "they" is a singular pronoun. I write a superhero webserial called Paternum - check it out! The being that stripped them of their wings was supposedly incredibly powerful, so I imagine you don't just grow them back with a snap of the fingers. If I had to call out the most overpowered of these feats, it would be the triton one, but that's just because conjure animals is a broken spell any way you cut it.
Conjuring two giant octopi is so dramatically powerful that I've banned the spell in my home games. Originally Posted by theVoidWatches. Angelic Attunement is boring. Originally Posted by No brains.
See, I remember the days of roleplaying before organisms could even see, let alone use see as a metaphor for comprehension. We could barely comprehend that we could comprehend things. Imagining we were something else was a huge leap forward and really passed the time in between absorbing nutrients. All of the feats in the following table are intended for use by characters of the Orc race. All of the feats in the following table are intended for use by characters of the Oread race.
All of the feats in the following table are intended for use by characters of the Ratfolk race. All of the feats in the following table are intended for use by characters of the Samsaran race. All of the feats in the following table are intended for use by characters of the Strix race.
All of the feats in the following table are intended for use by characters of the Suli race. All of the feats in the following table are intended for use by characters of the Svirfneblin race. All of the feats in the following table are intended for use by characters of the Sylph race.
All of the feats in the following table are intended for use by characters of the Tengu race. All of the feats in the following table are intended for use by characters of the Tiefling race. All of the feats in the following table are intended for use by characters of the Undine race. All of the feats in the following table are intended for use by characters of the Vanara race.
All of the feats in the following table are intended for use by characters of the Vishkanya race. All of the feats in the following table are intended for use by characters of the Wayang race. Toggle navigation. Special : Additional unusual facts about the feat. Patreon Supporters. Angel Wings. Angelic Blood , aasimar , character level 10th.
Angelic Blood. Con 13, aasimar. Angelic Flesh. Angelic Blood , aasimar. Celestial Servant. Aasimar , animal companion , familiar , or mount class feature. Your companion, familiar , or mount becomes a celestial creature. Channel Force. Aasimar , channel energy 2d6. Move a single target when you channel energy to deal damage.
Channel Force, Greater. Move all enemies in a burst when you channel energy to deal damage. Channel Force, Improved. Channel Force , Aasimar , channel energy 4d6. Move all enemies in a line or cone when you channel energy to deal damage. Heavenly Radiance. Aasimar , daylight spell-like ability , sufficiently high level see description. Gain additional spell-like abilities. Metallic Wings. Black Cat. Catfolk Exemplar. Qualify for the Aspect of the Beast feat and gain an additional bestial advantage.
Claw Pounce. Feline Grace. Dexterity 13, catfolk. Gain a bonus to CMD against several combat maneuvers. Nimble Striker. Take no penalty to AC when you use Cleave or Lunge , or when you charge. You inherit a special boon from your hag heritage. Unusual Origin Changeling.
Blood Drinker. Blood Feaster. Gain more bonuses when using the Blood Drinker feat. Blood Salvage. Blood Drinker , dhampir. You may use the Blood Drinker feat on a dead creature. Diverse Palate. You gain the benefits of the Blood Drinker feat when drinking from an additional humanoid subtype. Natural Charmer. Cha 17, dhampir. You may take 20 on some Cha -based skill checks against humanoids.
Drow Nobility. Able to use drow spell-like abilities , drow. Use detect magic at will and gain feather fall and levitate once per day. Drow Nobility, Greater. Detect magic is now constant. Use of dancing lights , deeper darkness , faerie fire , feather fall , and levitate are now at will. Drow Nobility, Improved. Cha 13, Drow Nobility , able to use drow spell-like abilities , drow.
Gain use of dancing lights , faerie fire , feather fall , and levitate twice per day. Darkness spell-like ability becomes deeper darkness usable twice per day. Noble Spell Resistance. Cha 13, Wis 13, Greater Drow Nobility , character level 13th, drow. Shadow Caster. CL 1, drow. Spider Step. Character level 3rd, drow. You can cast spider climb once per day as a spell-like ability.
Spider Summoner. Umbral Scion. Umbral Scion, Improved. You may use dispel magic , divine favor , and suggestion once per day as spell-like abilities. Giant Steps. Duergar , slow and steady racial trait. Lingering Invisibility. When your invisibility ends, you gain concealment for 1 round per minute of duration the invisibility effect had remaining.
Craft alchemy 1 rank, Profession brewer 1 rank, dwarf. Cleave Through. When using Cleave or Great Cleave , if your initial attack hits, you may take a single 5-foot step as a free action before making your additional attacks.
Cloven Helm. Helmet can absorb all damage. Dented Helm. Helmet can absorb half of the damage. Giant Killer. As Goblin Cleaver , but your additional attacks can be made against creatures one size category larger than you or smaller. Goblin Cleaver. Str 13, Cleave , Power Attack , dwarf.
When using Cleave or Great Cleave , you may take your additional attacks against any creature smaller than you that you threaten. Ledge Walker. Dex 13, dwarf , mountaineer or stability racial trait. You can move at full speed while using Acrobatics to balance on narrow surfaces. Orc Hewer. This feat functions as Goblin Cleaver , but your additional attacks can be made against creatures your size or smaller.
Disruptive , Spellbreaker , dwarf , 10th level fighter. As a standard action , you can attempt to sunder an ongoing spell effect as if you had the spell sunder rage power.
Toxic Recovery. Dwarf , hardy racial trait. Whenever you succeed at a saving throw against poison, you heal 1 point of ability damage of the type dealt by the poison. Attuned to the Wild.
While you are in your selected terrain type, your natural healing rate doubles. Elven Battle Training. Guardian of the Wild. Attuned to the Wild , elf. Mage of the Wild. Spirit of the Wild. Attuned to the Wild , Guardian of the Wild , elf. Dark Sight. Gloom Sight , fetchling. Dark Sight, Improved. Dark Sight , Gloom Sight , fetchling. You can see clearly in magical darkness, but your eyes are harshly affected by bright lights.
Gloom Sight. Gloom Strike. Blind-Fight , fetchling. Shadow Ghost. Fetchling , shadow walk spell-like ability. Gain an extra use of shadow walk per day. Shadow Walker. Expend a use of shadow walk to cast dimension door.
Unusual Origin Fetchling. Unusual Origin Gillmen. Arcane School Spirit. Bluff 1 rank, arcane school class feature, gnome. Cheer for your favorite school of magic, causing others to be more susceptible to spells of that school. Bewildering Koan. Bluff 1 rank, ki pool class feature, gnome. Confuse a creature with one of the existential questions that you ponder when meditating. Casual Illusionist.
Gnome , gnome magic racial trait. Effortless Trickery. Extra Gnome Magic. Expanded Resistance. Gnome , illusion resistance racial trait. Gnome Weapon Focus. Great Hatred. Gnome , hatred racial trait. Bluff 1 rank, rage class feature, gnome. Vast Hatred. Ankle Biter. Goblin , Escape Artist 1 rank. Get an extra bite attack when an opponent uses a combat maneuver against you. Battle Singer. Goblin , bardic performance class feature.
Give other goblins an extra bonus when using your bardic performance ability. Goblin , Disable Device 1 rank. Fire Hand. Wield a torch as a weapon without penalty and gain a bonus to attack with weapons that deal fire damage. Fire Tamer. Flame Heart.
Fire Tamer , character level 5th, goblin. Gain fire resistance 5 and treat your caster level as one higher for fire spells and bombs. Goblin Gunslinger. Tangle Feet. Dodge , Mobility , Underfoot , Goblin , Small size or smaller. Agile Tongue. Discerning Eye. Elf or half-elf , keen senses racial trait.